Verona, 2016-17 - Client: Do Different

Re-design the usability of a platform for advanced data profiling.

︎ To explain this project I am not allowed to show any data, therefore I explain the process
and the final result. What you see is just an example of what it should be.

With the client I defined the new business goal and the user needs. Once the archetypes had been shared,
I began the re-definition of contents, of future requirements, and of the information architecture.
In the end, I managed the last phase about interface and information design, in collaboration with the
UI designer and the developer.

The Intrepidi

︎ Phases: business requirements ︎ users definition ︎ information architecture ︎ flow charts ︎ wireframes ︎ UI

Information architecture

With the client I worked to re-organize and re-structure the software’s contents based on different
users and their needs: office worker, manager and IT specialist. I worked on the micro-copy to make 
more consistent and understandable the functions offered by the MDM.
I shared with the client the keys performance of an ideal user experience. Allowed by him and because of 
the impossibility to reach proper users, I pretended to be one of them. After some using sessions, I tried
to identify the experience gaps and my feelings while I was using the softwares. Base on that heuristic
activity I decided to focus on and implement the usability of specific functions.

Flow charts & Wireframes

I redesigned in a more efficient way the users flows of the most of the functions, according to the client
feedbacks. Then I sketched the wireframes to re-think and communicate about the new structure of the software.


The client also asked us to design the website - - for the advertisement of the
digital product. I defined the content scope and structure. After that, I specified the webpage
skeleton, and began to wireframe.

I didn’t manage the interface and visual design phase.